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UW - Green Bay, Marinette Campus

UW - Green Bay, Marinette Campus

EducationArt Galleries Entertainment

About Us

The UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus, is part of a multi-campus comprehensive university offering exemplary undergraduate programs and operating with a commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship and research, and service to the community.

We offer an array of courses that direct students to earn the associate of arts and science degree. Coursework for this degree includes written and oral communication, fine arts and humanities, social science study and exploration of human and physical sciences. In addition, students can complete their bachelor's degree locally in Business Management, Electrical Engineering Technology, Psychology, Writing and Heath Information Management Technology. Non-credit offerings through our Continuing Education and Community Engagement Division delivers training, badging, and certification for all business and industry needs.

Whether you have an interest on our campus volleyball or basketball athletic teams, starring in a Theatre on the Bay production, singing in the West Shore Chorale, or writing a piece for our Northern Lights Literary and Arts Journal, there is a way for everyone to become involved on our campus.

Academic success resources are provided to all students in addition to career and academic advising. All of these facets help to prepare our students for a successful career upon graduation.


Campus Entrance
Art Students
Theatre Students
Outdoor Classroom
Campus Convocation
Science Classroom
Campus Library
Campus Field House
Campus Cafe
Student Research

Rep/Contact Info

Lauryn Albaugh
Tori Grant Welhous
Wendi Holschbach
Jessica Lambrecht
Jessica Maes
Laura Nolan
Carli Reinecke
Nicole Virant
Dave Wineburner